Why wait for happiness?

The mindset of waiting for happiness is a never-ending cycle. Have you heard yourself or friends say, “If I were to get a better job/nicer house/new partner/more money things would be better, I’d be so much happier?” But then, you get the job and start thinking about what your next Read more…

Appreciation…..how do we show it?

Do you feel appreciated? Do you have conversations with people about NOT feeling appreciated? For you to feel appreciated, what must happen? I talk a lot about gratitude and being grateful for things/people in our lives as do many others, but there doesn’t seem to be much discussion about appreciation Read more…

Why we need to practice gratitude.

“gratitude” noun “The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” Last week, I had a conversation with a client about feeling grateful and how it was something that they wanted to a) continue feeling and b) wanted their children to be more aware of. Read more…

Dust if you must……..

Remember…a layer of dust protects the Wood beneath it. When I was growing up and a teenager visiting various homes of friends, I became very aware of others surroundings, the homes they lived in and sometimes the differences in their homes to mine. Don’t get me wrong, I too had Read more…

Everyone is busy coping with life!

This weekend I was lucky enough to go away with one of my dearest friends for an overnight stay shopping, eating, drinking wine, barely taking a breath between conversations and then going to see the wonderful Claudia Winkleman onstage. We had a fabulous time! It also meant that we spent Read more…