Managing your expectations this Christmas.

As we head towards Christmas we are bombarded with image of how Christmas “should” look – whether it’s large raucous families around a festive table piled high with food and drink or indulgent gift guides in magazines where they suggest “little prezzies” that probably require a 2nd mortgage to purchase, Read more…

Notification nightmares!

Recently, I went to an excellent networking event, networking has never been something I particularly enjoy (in the business sense) but I realised that my view of it was probably a little outdated and I needed to give it a go. It also tied in with an excellent guest speaker Read more…

Books that bring me joy.

I love reading! It’s my “go to thing” at times of stress, when I want to escape, I read before I go to bed,  I read in the evenings, I read whenever I get a spare five minutes – it takes me somewhere else, I switch off and relax even Read more…

Dust if you must……..

Remember…a layer of dust protects the Wood beneath it. When I was growing up and a teenager visiting various homes of friends, I became very aware of others surroundings, the homes they lived in and sometimes the differences in their homes to mine. Don’t get me wrong, I too had Read more…

It’s time to unplug.

  As we head towards August and many of my clients are either off on holiday or juggling childcare with work or both, I have decided to take a bit of a social media break for the month. For the last couple of weeks, I have struggled with Covid and Read more…